A portal that aims to connect chemists, biologists, scientists, researchers, working in the laboratory in the field of food safety, environmental safety and materials research.
1 Day Training on Awareness of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 requirements and Implementations

We have successfully organized 1 Day training on ISO 17025. 20 odd participants have attended and benefitted. Please watch out for our next training.
seminars and Conference
Regular updates on Technology and Applications are key in career development of all professions. SG LAB FORUUM organize regular seminars and conference to get update on new developments and opportunities including technology and Regulations requirements. We organize seminars on special topics by inviting subject experts.. Further we organize yearly conference where our members get an opportunity to learn from experts and grow their networking for exploring new opportunities and collaboration.

We offer training on ISO 17025 and ISO 15189 standards for Laboratory Quality Management System requirements, Accreditation process and Internal Auditor Course. These training area part of competency development and knowledge refresh for many of lab staff. We further arrange training analytical technique and sample preparation including Quality Assurance/Quality Control.
singapore lab expo/trade show
SG LAB FORUM wishes to organize Lab EXPO/TRADE SHOW where all major industry palyers development various lab equipment can come together to show case their technology and products and demonstrate how it can help different customers for solving their problems or increasing productvity.
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